Gears For Careers

How well are you doing mid-year?

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We are right in the middle of 2014; how are you feeling about the year so far as your career is concerned? This is a good time to formally review how you have done against the specific career goals you set yourself. Below are some questions and points to help with your assessment.

What overall progress have you made? Have you made as much progress as you set out to do by this time? How are you different from six months ago? What more possibilities are in the second half of the year?

How have you done about bigger goals? Have you maintained focus on important issues? Keeping your attention on most valuable things matter immensely to career direction and professional advancement. This will ensure you don’t spread yourself too thinly and ensure the second half builds on what progress you have recorded over the first half.

Make critical adjustments: For things you prioritised at the beginning of the year, are they still priority? What do you need to see through a fresh lens? Remember, there will always be peripheral issues lurking around to steal your time, attention and you must pre-empt that.

Increase your output level: If your progress has been as planned, well done and work on increasing it further. If you haven’t, then work out how to increase your productivity so you are able to catch up where you haven’t done too well. Be effective by ensuring that you are doing the right tasks and delivering higher outputs with minimum resources.

Make sure you’re growing: It’s important you grow to achieve your goals. Seek out people who are doing amazing things, have a curious, open mind and, who engage in a transparent way; learn from them and light your fire with theirs in order to keep your motivation and excitement strong.

Now take action: Do your mid-year review and update your July-December career action plan.

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